
In the spring of 2024, the Deacon Body recommended a committee be formed to draft bylaws for
Immanuel Baptist Church of Little Rock. Five deacons and ten lay members were approved by
the church to compose a document that reflected how IBCLR has operated during its 132-year
history as well as how it is to operate for years to come.

Throughout the process, the Bylaws Drafting Committee sought feedback from staff, deacons,
lay members, and other churches to ensure the document would be thoroughly vetted, prayed
over, and adequately represent our church’s desire to operate under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

The church ultimately adopted the Bylaws by unanimous decision on Sun. Nov. 17th at a Special
Church Family Business Meeting after our morning worship service. While bylaw adoption has
been an important step in our church’s history, it is vital to emphasize how grateful to God we
are for His abundant love and grace for Immanuel in the past, present, and future.

With the Lordship of Jesus Christ at the center of everything, the Bylaws outline how Immanuel
is pastor-led, deacon-served, committee-operated, and congregationally-affirmed. Composed of
fourteen Articles, the Bylaws seek to provide present and future clarification around this concept.

Linked below are the adopted IBCLR Bylaws and a link to the Baptist Faith & Message. While
the Bylaws were written and adopted by imperfect men and women, our church serves a perfect
God. These Bylaws are meant to be read and implemented prayerfully as IBCLR continues to
serve Him by being for the Gospel, for the city, and for the world.