God's people are a worshipping people. We worship the triune God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). At Immanuel, we prioritize presence centered worship, focusing our worship more on the presence of God rather than our preferences or expectations. We gather Sunday mornings for the preaching of the word, singing of the word, praying of the word, as well as baptism and The Lord's Supper. The worship service is at 10:30am. We provide preschool during Groups and worship for kids ages birth through kindergarten. Kids ages 1st grade and up are invited to sit with their families for the worship service.
Where do I go?
- Attend Groups at 9:00am
- Attend Worship at 10:30am
- Rehearse in Choir on Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm
How do i serve?
- Volunteer as a Greeter on our Hospitality Team. Greet people who are entering the Worship Center.
- Join the choir or praise team
- Help with Preschool/Kids/Student worship on Sunday or Wednesdays
Meet Our Staff

Stephen Curry
Minster of Worship Ministries

Leigh Ann Davis
Worship Associate