Deacons are ordained lay ministers whose primary purpose is to serve the Church in order to
“maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” in the Church so that the “word of
God” may be advanced (Eph. 4:1-16, Acts 6:1-7). Our deacons serve in many practical ways
including the distribution of the Lord’s Supper, visiting hospitals, and ministering to the
widows of the church. At various times, the deacons request nominations from the church.
From these nominations, candidates are asked to complete a questionnaire that assess their
biblical qualifications, as expressed in 1 Tim. 3:8-13. The Deacon Body then recommends
new deacons to be approved and ordained by the Church for Kingdom service. More
information on deacons can be found in the Church Bylaws (Article 7).
“maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” in the Church so that the “word of
God” may be advanced (Eph. 4:1-16, Acts 6:1-7). Our deacons serve in many practical ways
including the distribution of the Lord’s Supper, visiting hospitals, and ministering to the
widows of the church. At various times, the deacons request nominations from the church.
From these nominations, candidates are asked to complete a questionnaire that assess their
biblical qualifications, as expressed in 1 Tim. 3:8-13. The Deacon Body then recommends
new deacons to be approved and ordained by the Church for Kingdom service. More
information on deacons can be found in the Church Bylaws (Article 7).
New Deacon Nomination
Click here to submit a form.
If you are interested in nominating someone to serve our church as a Deacon, any member of Immanuel Baptist Church of Little Rock may recommend a new Deacon candidate from among the church family at any time.
Submitting a nomination for Deacon at IBCLR is an important action, so please keep the following in mind:
Read 1st Timothy 3:8-12 & Acts 6:3 to review the Deacon qualifications and prayerfully consider your recommendation.
Submitting a nomination for Deacon at IBCLR is an important action, so please keep the following in mind:
Read 1st Timothy 3:8-12 & Acts 6:3 to review the Deacon qualifications and prayerfully consider your recommendation.