The Ted and Betty Williams Charitable Trust was created in 1998 to provide scholarships for college students who have demonstrated financial need and academic excellence. NextGen Leadership Scholarships will be awarded annually to both new and returning students by the Scholarship Committee of Immanuel Baptist Church using funds provided each year by the Williams Trust and other gifts to the IBCLR Scholarship Fund.

DEADLINE: Applications and Letters of Recommendation must be received by February 29, 2024.

A recipient must be active with Immanuel Baptist Church or must be former member of Immanuel Baptist Church who has moved their active membership to a church in the area where they attend college. Allocations of financial assistance shall be administered based upon available funds, and any scholarships given will be awarded for one year. All recipients must reapply for consideration for a scholarship related to his or her sophomore, junior, or senior year.

The Scholarship Committee of Immanuel Baptist Church will determine scholarship recipients in the Spring of each year based on the selection criteria that the Committee has established which includes financial need, grades, church involvement, community involvement, testimony of personal and spiritual development, letters of recommendation, and leadership potential. Scholarship amounts may vary based on criteria set by Scholarship Committee of Immanuel Baptist Church, and not every applicant is guaranteed an award. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to adjust guidelines or offer scholarship assistance to applicants outside these guidelines as the Holy Spirit leads.

This year, the process is all-digital and should be streamlined to make it as simple and streamlined as possible–once you start the form, it is the best practice to complete it in one sitting, as there is no "pause" and "resume" feature.
Before you start, be sure to have the following:

□ High school information
□ College/university
□ Family information
□ Recent photo (headshot/family)
□ Reflections on what Immanuel has taught you
□ Reference(s) name and email
□ Video introduction (*NEW)

At the end of the application, you'll be shown a Dropbox link on where to upload a short 2–5-minute video introducing yourself to the Scholarship Committee. The men and women who sit around the table really enjoy getting to know seniors or hear how college is going. Thank you for being willing to do this!
Final notes: due to the platform this application is on, there is a possibility of technical errors or glitches. If you encounter something that isn't working, please contact Hannah at