Beginning April 22nd, we will enter a season of prayer as a church with the intent to seek the Lord. Each weekday, we will host online prayer gathering opportunities for you to join. You can participate in one or all, we just want to give you the opportunity to pray with other brothers and sisters in Christ as we collectively seek Him.
Following is the schedule (note: three morning gatherings and two evening gatherings):
· Monday – 5:30-6am
· Tuesday – 7-7:30pm
· Wednesday – 5:30-6am
· Thursday – 7-7:30pm
· Friday – 5:30-6am
Each session will be led by a facilitator and someone to support technically. Following is how each session will be designed:
· 3 minutes- Facilitator shares brief instructions, Scripture passage, and short devotional thought
· 25 minutes- Participants will be sent to breakout groups of (4) to pray with one another
· 2 minutes- Participants will reconvene and the facilitator will close in prayer
Each Sunday, an email will be sent to the church with a weekly prayer guide and a Zoom link to the online prayer gatherings. Our hope is this will be a simple means of gathering our people together daily to pray for our church and one another.
When you receive the weekly email on Sunday, go ahead and click on the link to ensure you have a Zoom account and eliminate any issues with logging on the day of the prayer session. Click here for this weeks zoom link.
Keep watch for other opportunities to pray. You are also encouraged to start prayer groups with your Sunday School classes, neighbors, etc. Our aim is to pursue God in this season and develop a culture of prayer in our church.
Please reach out to Katelin Cotton ( with any questions you may have.